Blog Directory for Canada

Monday, June 4, 2007

French anyone?

Whats more anoying than having to turn the labels on items around in the super market because they are in F*CKING french? Not much, except waiting for new products to come to canada, (when they are already in the US) because the manufacturers are forced to label everything in both english and french. WTF? I have been in Vancouver 3 years and haven't met 1 person who cant speak english...why do we have to suffer then and put up with french labels on everything? well its pretty its core it provides another method for canadian vendors to insulate themselves from competition in the US. think about it, we live 60km from the largest market in the world, as consumers do we really benefit from it? - NO. The canadian producers, who cant compete and provide us with goods and services at reasonable prices, seek to protect themselves from the US market by asking the government to support legislation that forces produces to use 2 languages...Yes alot of the products out there are US products, but bear in mind they are produced especially for the canadian market and sold to us by canadian distributors at higher prices. If someone wants to speak to the french market let them decide, why force all of us to pay more for some pathetic chest beating holier than thou token policy to satisfy the fcking quebecors? why because of money...

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