Want to see efficiency at its best in Vancouver? Just look at the tow industry. A fleet of shiny new tow trucks do the laps of the city all day long, all too ready to jump on their victims as the parking lanes change to roads. Parking is a premium in this city, and the city is extremely pro active about towing. I've been towed a total of twice in three years. Once in my building, for parking in someone elses place, (it was for 30 minutes) and I left a note on my window asking them to call me, (they decided it was a better idea to call a tow truck). second time i was trying to eat at the cactus club in burnaby, i parked in the office depot/tim hortons lot, and the bastards towed me, as a consequence my company has dropped all business with office depot.
So why can you get towed in 15mins, but have to wait 2-3 days for a passport? Why does it take 3 hours some weekends to get through the border? Why does it take 10 days for Telus to connect a phone line? I think if the city handed over operation of all of its projects to the tow truck companies, we'd all spend alot less time waiting to cross bridges (that should;ve been upgraded 20 years ago), denting our rims in any one of a thousand pot holes downtown...
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