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Friday, November 6, 2009

The Olympics Part 1

This is really in defense of the olympics and a fuck you to all the morons out there who feel left out, disenfranchised and marginalized and are blaming the campbell government and the olympics for every poor decision in life they have made.

take some responsibility people, for your own lives. it's not the governments job to ensure your fed, live in a nice house and can afford your beer every weekend - that's yours. and if you unhappy with your situation - do something about, go back to school, take a course, change your career, work harder, take a second job, cut back on your expenses. these are lessons that I believe many people go through life without, and then they have the nerve to look around and get angry at people who have gotten ahead. Drop this sense of entitlement attitude and get off your butts and help yourself - it's a great country, there's plenty of opportunity for people who want to work and make a life.

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