Blog Directory for Canada

Friday, March 26, 2010

The only thing to the police themselves.

Canadian police, in particular BC police have come under fire recently for everything from killing immigrants at the airport, driving DUI and killing other motorists, beating up newspaper delivery men while drunk, and recently beating up kids on the street in plain view of everyone. they have a reputation for corruption, protecting themselves, covering their own asses and a complete lack of respect for the law. it's little wonder none of us feel safe whether it's the RCMP or the municipal officers, you really want to hope that someone has a camera handy when ever you come into contact with one of these animals.

obviously the recruiting is the major problem. if you are attracting morons, who are nothing but power monkeys who get off on authority and carrying a gun, then this is exactly what you are going to see. it's only now with the advent of cell phone cameras, youtube and the web that these idiots are being held accountable. i blogged about corporal monty benjamin, perhaps the RCMP's leading agent of death, but it seems the problem is rampant and systematic.

here's the latest:

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