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Monday, March 1, 2010

Tim Hortons Ad sinks to new lows in emotional, sentimental crap peddling...

Talk about cheap, dramatic brain dead advertising, this commercial from Tim Hortons started playing shortly after the Haiti Quake crisis, and while it's about an African family being reunited, it seeks to exploit the emotions of reuniting family members from 3rd world countries, a topical issue during the recent disaster.

what more can you say about a fast food company that simply draws on the plight of 3rd world countries to advertise and shamelessly associate it's product? does anyone really want to get emotionally involved with the company that makes some of the most mediocre coffee in the world? no. do we take offense to the hijacking of international disasters in order to promote brand? yes.

the standard of advertising in this country is pathetic. when it comes to major corporations and the drivel their canadian ad agencies spit out it's appauling. Maybe it's because i'm used to much more sophisticated advertising in europe and australia, but the stuff they make here is a joke. it either involves animals (see telus, bell, fido) or involves some overlly dramatic effort to combine a completely unrelated event with a relatively mundane product.

by the way tim hortons, your donuts are the worst. period. please, go to a krispy creme store try a donut and do something about the quality of yours.

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