Blog Directory for Canada

Monday, April 5, 2010

Canadian criminal justice system lauded by criminals worldwide

Criminals worldwide are coming together to hail the Canadian criminal justice system as the best in the world. In a worldwide poll conducted by research firm Gartner Inc, 78% percent of criminals felt the Canadian system was superior to other G20 countries.

"In respect to the focus and respect for the perpetrator, and the amount of leniency and the short sentences, there isn't a better system in the world" claimed John Lee Gyzertistan, a felon serving a 25 year sentence in Folsom Prison, CA. "I'd love to be a criminal in Canada"

Canada ranked number 1 for the past 10 years in 3 of the top categories including shortest maximum sentences for class 1 felonies, highest number of days granted in lieu of time served and highest number of suspended sentences.

"Hell even the sex predators up there have it easy, it's amazing the compassion, forgiving nature of the canadian people" continued Gyzertistan.

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