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Friday, March 26, 2010

What the fuck is that smell...oh, it's Abbotsford & Chilliwack

As the weather gets warmer, so to does the stink and funk of our eastern cities of Abbotsford and Chilliwack. Was driving east towards Hope on highway 1 and had to stop for some gas and McD's. Pulled up at McDonalds in Chilliwack, stepped out of the car and BANG. The smell hit me like a fucking dead horse carcass in a shitstorm. how on earth do you people do it? live out there I mean. With the smell of manure trailing through the entire town day in and night? i guess you get used to it....

there's an open facebook discussion on the question "Do people think it smells in chilliwack?" and see also this hilarious entry in the uncyclopedia,,_British_Columbia. To quote:

"One cannot discuss Chilliwack without mentioning its stench. Chilliwack is considered to be the worst-smelling city in Canada and possibly the world. Nothing can compare. As soon as you step inside the town, the scent of dung overpowers you. It smells like shit. Everywhere. All the time. Prolonged exposure to this stench will drive you insane. It boggles the mind as to how the citizen's of Chilliwack do not notice this stench. It is the most putrid thing ever. People have visited and then killed themselves, rather that face the smell of manure for any extended amount of time. George W. Bush wants to contain this stench and use it as the ultimate weapon. But not even Dick Cheney will go near this town. If this stench spreads, god help us all. In short, Chilliwack smells really, really bad, something to note if you are ever insane enough to want to go there.
One precaution against the smell of Chilliwack is to cut off your nose, or even better have no sense of smell to begin with"


vancan19 said...

I have lived in Chilliwack for 2 and a half years and honestly, it does not smell like shit unless you're near a farm. LMAO..which is only if you ae on the outskirts of town or on the highway. In the city, or what there is of a city, and in the residential areas, it smells like any other place!

Raisa said...

Here's how bad Chilliwack stinks: I was driving and the stench hit. I thought it was the normal Wack stink, so I pulled my shirt over my face and carried on, leaving just enough space under my eyes to see the road.

I pulled into a mall, and a guy ran towards my car, pointing. My tire was smoking. My brakes were on fire, and I hadn't noticed. Because it smelled just like the normal Chilliwack stench. This is not a myth, people. This place is DISGUSTING.

Unknown said...

It stinks. Everywhere in that god-forsaken town stinks to high heaven of cow shit. You must be desensitized. We were in town, and only in town. No matter where you go, the nastiness follows you around.

Unknown said...

It stinks. Everywhere in that god-forsaken town stinks to high heaven of cow shit. You must be desensitized. We were in town, and only in town. No matter where you go, the nastiness follows you around.

Anonymous said...

As a resident of this shit-hole, I have to stinks here ALL THE TIME.
The worst part of it is that I can't even go "green" in order to save a buck or two, by drying my linens and towels on the clothesline, because they all reek of shit when I bring them in the house.
The past three years have been the worst. I swear that they must add some secret chemicals to the stuff in order to ramp up the stink factor exponentially. I've lived in and around farms most of my life...I know what shit smells like, but the most recent stuff is downright should be listed as toxic/hazardous waste.
If you were exposed to this level of stench everyday at work, I'm sure that WorkSafe would make you wear a respirator/Hazmat gear. Is there an MSDS for the air in Chilliwack?

Anonymous said...

Dude Chilliwack has smelled like cow shit, yes but this year it smells like rotten dead bodies.
Not sure if they are doing this on purpose or what.
Maybe if they stink the property up enough the city will cave and let them sub-divide it.

Hopefully minced crackheads