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Monday, January 17, 2011

Family man demands affordable housing in West Vancouver

West Vancouver BC, Long heralded as some of the most expensive property in North America, West Vancouver's average home price sits in the $2.5 million range, and that's far too much for a Vancouver local area man's liking. "People are demanding affordable housing in waterfront condo's along False Creek, and in inner city areas today, and I thought why not pick a location where I can't afford to live, but would like to and give it a try as well"

He went on "...I want a view of the city and harbor, access to the beach, and something quiet." On his $120,000 income, the properties meeting his requirements are priced between $3.2 million and $6 million are well outside his affordability. "As a resident of Vancouver, I have the right to live wherever I want, and if I can't afford it, it's up to the government to make housing available for me." The 33 year old software developer currently lives in a 2 bedroom condo in Yaletown, valued at around $650,000.

Although seemingly strange to many North Americans, the idea that an individual should be able to live in a neighborhood which is otherwise unaffordable for them is not uncommon in Vancouver. The Carnegie Community Action Project's Jean Swanson, an outspoken advocate of affordable housing is taking on his case and vows to get him placed in a mansion "...somewhere west of the Lionsgate."


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear someone talking about the dire need for "mixed-income neighbourhoods" somewhere other than the Downtown Eastside. What's Michael Geller's position on this?

Anonymous said...

So he's suggesting that instead of him finding a way to make more money,the government (ie taxpayers) should foot the bill? This guy needs to take a class in economics. It's basic supply and demand. If you can't deal with that go to Ontario and buy a house for 100 grand.